دكتور أحمد الغيطي - دكتور مخ و أعصاب

Best Neurosurgeon in Egypt

Best Neurosurgeon in Egypt

There is exponential increase in number of Neurosurgery cases world wide. And there is progressive need for talented, sub specialized neurosurgeon with deep experience in the various neurosurgery and spine surgery fields.

Dr. Ahmed Elghity, MD, FEBNS, FEgBNS is one of the most highly specialized neurosurgeon in Egypt. He is specialized in Endoscopic spine surgery, Endoscopic and microscopic skull base surgery. Also he is subspecialized in functional neurosurgery, treatment of intractable epilepsy, stereotactic and open procedures for treatment of motor disorders.
Dr. Ahmed Elghity is one of best neurointerventional consultants in Egypt, He established a lot of neuroendovascular unites in Cairo.
Dr. Ahmed Elghity can use catheter angiography techniques for treatment of carotid stenosis, multiple cerebral infarctions, cerebral aneurysms, cerebral arteriovenous malformations.

Dr. Ahmed Elghity clinics service a large geographic area, We happily receive patients from Cairo, Alexandrea, Upper Egypt. Also we receive patients from our neighborhood countries, like Libya, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman.

Who is the best neurosurgeon in the Egypt?

Every medical specialty has an impact on general human health and well-being, but some have a greater impact than others. Neurological surgeons treat conditions of the nerve system and the brain that might have subtle and wide-ranging effects. They include behavioral and perceptual issues, difficulties with movement or severe back pain, and so on. Many of these disorders can have serious repercussions if not addressed promptly.

As a result, it is critical to seek treatment from the world’s best neurosurgeons. There are many brain surgeons across the world, and you could be lucky enough to discover one in your own or a nearby nation.

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